Board Games
This one might just be the most fun item on the list. Any memories I have of playing board games with friends and family all involve smiles, laughing and all around great times. Unfortunately board games seem to have become an afterthought in the busy world we live in today. However, the next rainy day could be the perfect time to dust off your favorite games. Monopoly and Cranium are two favorites in our household.
Read a book
I love reading, but only if I can sit down for a long period to become totally immersed. With the day-to-day known as life I find that I ,don’t have those big blocks of time to devote to reading a good book. I’m looking forward to the next rainy day to devote hours to a great book. Next on my reading list is “How To Have A Good Day” by Caroline Webb.
Catch up on your favorite shows
If you’re like me you have 1, 2 or maybe even 3 shows that you really enjoy watching, but haven’t been able to keep up to date with. The next rainy day could be the perfect time to binge watch your favorite show. Streaming services like Netflix and Hulu are perfect for you to indulge on the latest episodes.
Household Project’s (That Keep Getting Put Off)
Whether big or small. We all have a household project that they’ve been putting off. One project that has negative repercussions the longer you wait is getting your old photos and family videos digitized. As time passes your materials deteriorate. The Heartland Box is the easiest way to get your digitized to you can preserve, share and store your best memories. The next rainy day could be the perfect time to take a stroll down memory lane.
Catch Up On Sleep
The days are long gone when I could decide I was going to stay in bed and sleep for an extra few hours. The next rainy day could be a perfect opportunity to relive the glory days of your youth and sleep the day away. Give yourself permission to be as lazy as you want, take naps, stay in your PJ’s, and not feel bad. White noise and a sleep mask can help you sleep anytime of the day. Your inner teenage self will thank you.